The Rules Of Peter's Fast

Video: The Rules Of Peter's Fast

Video: The Rules Of Peter's Fast
Video: Loud Fast Rules! 2024, September
The Rules Of Peter's Fast
The Rules Of Peter's Fast

St. Peter's Day is one of the brightest and most revered summer Christian holidays. It is dedicated to the apostles Peter and Paul and was celebrated on June 29 by both the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Church.

It is celebrated by all believers, but since it coincides with the harvest period, work is allowed. Best by noon so that each household can prepare their holiday table.

In the days before St. Peter's Day, however, fasting began and the abstinence from blissful foods began today, June 24, 2019. Petrov post, Apostolic Lent, and until recently as Lent for Pentecost. If you want to join Peter's fastHere's what you need to know about it:


- There is no exact date for beginning of Peter's fastas it changes every year. Its beginning is considered to be the Sunday after Pentecost, and the end - the day before the celebration of St. Peter's Day;

- There are years during which the Resurrection of Christ falls on the church calendar on the days between 5 and 8 May. In such cases fasting are not made;

- Peter's fasts are intended to remind of the persecutions and sufferings of the early Christians. This is the time when we must remember the deeds of Peter and Paul again and pay our respects to them;

- Peter's fasts are not among the strictest fasts, because except on Wednesdays and Fridays the consumption of fish is allowed. This also applies to all invertebrates such as octopuses, snails and mussels;

- It is forbidden to consume all other blissful foods, and the strictest fasting should be on the day before St. Peter's Day. And here again there is an exception. If this day is on the weekend, you can enjoy a glass of wine or add to your favorite lean dish and oil;


- The purpose of Peter's fast, as well as all other fasts, is not to bring the human body to exhaustion, but to cleanse it of everything harmful. Physical fasting, ie not consuming blissful foods, is absolutely pointless if it is not combined with spiritual fasting. During these days you should indulge in prayers, go to church, and repent;

- According to the Orthodox, and according to the Roman Catholic Church, Peter's fast should bring humility and joy and drive away everything unclean from the human soul and body.
