Tomato Juice Against Breast Cancer

Tomato Juice Against Breast Cancer
Tomato Juice Against Breast Cancer

A recent study shows that daily consumption of tomato juice can reduce the risk of breast cancer. American experts claim that one glass of tomato juice a day contains enough of the substance lycopene. It is believed that it can protect against insidious disease.

According to scientists, the red vegetable drink, and in particular the lycopene it contains, helps produce the hormone adiponectin. In turn, high levels of adiponectin can protect us from the terrible disease.

If you do not like to drink tomato juice, you can always replace it with tomato sauce or tomato soup, even with ketchup to put on spaghetti, scientists remind. Lycopene is a red pigment that gives tomatoes their characteristic color. In addition to tomatoes, it is also found in watermelon, pink grapefruit, guava, asparagus, rose hips, apricots and more.

Lycopene is better absorbed by the body if the tomatoes are cooked with fat. Cooking does not destroy the lycopene in vegetables. Researchers at Rutgers University studied 70 women - they examined their hormone levels, and then ordered them to drink tomato juice for about ten weeks.

Breast cancer
Breast cancer

All the women in the study were over 55 years old. In addition, each of these women was overweight or had relatives who had the insidious disease. The lycopene contained in a glass of tomato juice actually increased the levels of the hormone adiponectin by as much as 9 percent, the results show.

Adiponectin regulates fat levels as well as overweight, and they actually increase the risk of breast cancer, scientists remind us. In weak women who took part in the study, hormone levels increased the most.

Previous research has shown that eating vegetables and fruits containing lycopene reduces the risk of more than just breast cancer. The risk of prostate cancer, cervical cancer and pancreatic cancer is significantly lower.
