Do You Know These Cheeses?

Do You Know These Cheeses?
Do You Know These Cheeses?

Here are some types of cheese that are less well known and almost certainly you haven't heard much about.

Neufschatel - French whole milk cheese. At shorter maturation it forms a thin crust covered with dust. If left to ripen longer, it becomes firm and spicy in taste. It is produced in various forms, the most common being heart-shaped.

Port salu - soft orange pressed cheese. It has a yellow creamy inside and a liquid-treated crust. Its taste is specific - soft. It was originally produced by French monks.

Cantal - hard cheese produced in the French region of Overi. It looks like a pale cheddar. Its taste varies from mild to sharp, depending on the duration of maturation.

Lancashire - semi-hard, crumbly white cheese. It has a sharp creamy taste. Factory-made cheese is tastier than that produced in small dairies, where, however, the production process is quite labor-intensive.


Cheshire - hard English cheese. Its color is orange-red, slightly darker than that of Cheddar. If Chesher is treated with norbixin, the color is white. It has a crumbly porous texture. It tastes soft but slightly salty.


Manchego - Spanish hard cheese with wax coating. It is made from whole sheep's milk. Sometimes the inside is dotted with small holes. It has a dense soft taste with a slightly tart note.

Bleu d'Overie - semi-hard French cheese. It is made from a mixture of cow's and sheep's or cow's and goat's milk. It has a spicy taste. It is usually sold wrapped in foil because it has a very thin crust.

Dolcelate - (from it. - sweet milk) this is a trademark denoting a commercial version of gorgonzola. It has a mild creamy taste.


Cambodia - German cheese, which is a hybrid between Camembert and gorgonzola. It is often called blue brie, although its fat content is much higher because cream is added during production.

Shropshire - blue cheese with a deep orange-yellow color and blue mold. Beneath its sharp strong taste is a hint of sweetness.
