About The Healing Powers Of Water And Its Influence On Us

About The Healing Powers Of Water And Its Influence On Us
About The Healing Powers Of Water And Its Influence On Us

Man is made up of about 70% water, which can change depending on our thoughts. Water exists in nature in solid, liquid and gaseous state (we can observe all three phases). In this sense it can be called a unique substance. See who they are the healing powers of water in the following lines.

The open state of the water it is practically a confirmation of the principle of "all in all", in all material systems, which becomes the basis for information management, the basis of life.

Water has molecules that read information from the object in which it is located. She can remember the negative and positive energy. Negative water can have a bad effect on you if used.

Yes, water remembers any information very well. Every word or thought is a vibration that changes the structure of water and it becomes alive or dead, depending on our goals.

Healing mineral waters are waters that have unique properties due to the presence in their composition of various mineral, organic or radioactive substances.

Silver-enriched water can be considered a modern analogue of dead water. Its bactericidal and antiseptic effect has been proven.

healing water
healing water

The electrolysis method produces "living" (alkalized) and "dead" (acidic) water in laboratories. Frozen or magnetized water has properties of "alive".

Sometimes dead water is called healing waterbecause it has the ability to heal wounds.

People believed that living water brought life back to the dead and restored sight to the blind, which made the drink heroic.

Due to its properties, the use of plain water contributes to vitality, good mood, smooth and clean skin.

We can say that our well-being, appearance and health are 80% dependent on the quantity and quality of water consumed. Try drinking filtered water. The water must be clean. You should drink water 30 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after. Of course, water should be drunk throughout the day.
