In Which Cases It Is Good To Limit Tomatoes

In Which Cases It Is Good To Limit Tomatoes
In Which Cases It Is Good To Limit Tomatoes

Wonderful aromatic ripe tomatoesthat we eat at will in the summer are the food that most of us can't live without in the warmer months of the year. But there are a number of cases where the use of tomatoes is strictly contraindicated and can cause harmful effects.

This fruit vegetable contains many nutrients - vitamins A, B2, B6, K, E, and B12, and has a high content of potassium, which is good for blood vessels and the heart. In its composition this juicy red fruit includes useful acids - tartaric, citric, oxalic and malic.

However, tomatoes have a number of contraindications and hidden dangers to the human body.

In which cases tomatoes can harm the body

Allergy to tomatoes

Quite a common phenomenon. The reason for food allergy to tomatoes is present in certain antigens in them - anthocyanin and lycopene. The symptoms of food allergy are: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, runny nose, bronchospasm, bloating. In some cases, the allergy develops within a few hours after this delicious allergen has been consumed. Therefore, those who have identified an allergy to tomatoes should stay away from them.

If you have gallstone disease

Tomatoes are contraindicated in gallstone disease. Various organic acids in the composition of tomatoes are involved in the digestive process. They also have the ability to increase the activity of the stomach, pancreas and are able to enhance intestinal motility.

However, if you have gallstones, the movement of the stones and blockage of the bile ducts are consequences that can be very sad.

In kidney disease

With kidney disease, you probably have a contraindication to eating tomatoes. If you have diseases of the genitourinary system, then tomatoes, if not strictly contraindicated, then at least not recommended. The fact is that tomatoes contain so-called oxalic acid. Its large amount has a negative effect on the metabolism of water-salt balance.

Canned tomatoes
Canned tomatoes

In addition, the consumption of boiled and canned tomatoes causes the growth of kidney stones. Therefore, those who have a predisposition to their formation should not consume this vegetable.

In joint diseases

Tomatoes are harmful in joint diseases. Due to the presence of the already mentioned oxalic acid tomatoes have the ability to cause severe pain in human joints. Therefore, those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and have already had joint problems, it is also not recommended to consume tomatoes.

If you want to quit smoking

Tomatoes increase nicotine dependence. As noted, some researchers are convinced - eating tomatoes increases nicotine dependence. Therefore, if you want to quit smoking, temporarily discard the consumption of this wonderful but so dangerous vegetable for smokers.

In problems with the pancreas

Green tomatoes
Green tomatoes

Tomatoes can increase inflammation of the pancreas. In inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) should not eat fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of acids, as they irritate the delicate and inflamed mucosa. Unripe and green tomatoes are especially contraindicated during this period.

In gastric ulcer

Tomatoes are incompatible with stomach ulcers. In the case of gastric ulcer, as well as in the case of gastritis with high acidity, you should not include tomatoes. If you have an acute phase of one of these diseases, then it is desirable to eliminate them completely from your diet.

If you have hypertension

If you have hypertension, you may have contraindicated consumption of tomatoes. Those of you who suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), as well as those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, should also be careful with eating tomatoes. In particular, in the case of hypertension, the use of canned tomatoes is absolutely contraindicated. They must not use fermented or tomatoes that have been preserved with vinegar (marinated).

How to eat tomatoes so that they do not harm your health

Tomatoes are a wonderful and very useful vegetable, but in order to take advantage of them and not harm yourself, you need to know how to use them properly. Of course we like scrambled eggs with tomatoes, we often add them when cooking meat, fish and vegetable dishes. However, they should not be abused.

Due to the high content of acids, tomatoes can increase the normal acidity in the stomach, which can cause inflammation of its mucous membranes. Eat them, but not too much. In addition, it is better not to use tomatoes at the same time as the bread. This can lead to increased flatulence and bloating.

To avoid similar problems, in between eating tomatoes and bread should take at least 2-3 hours.

Tomatoes with cheese
Tomatoes with cheese

Also, for those who follow their diet, it is advisable to refrain from combining tomatoes in the same dish with meat, eggs and fish, as this has a strong effect on the gastrointestinal tract, especially the pancreas.

You should not drink tomato juice with food - it dilutes the substances released by the digestive organs and will become an obstacle to a healthy digestive process. Keep in mind that tomato juice is a stand-alone dish. Therefore, if you want to enjoy homemade juice, it should take at least half an hour from the last meal.
