Tomatoes Are Good With Avocados, Almonds - With Yogurt

Tomatoes Are Good With Avocados, Almonds - With Yogurt
Tomatoes Are Good With Avocados, Almonds - With Yogurt

The right combination of products helps to deal with excess weight, strengthen our immunity, tone our body and even deal with the stress around us. This is claimed by Italian nutritionists.

According to nutritionists, popular dishes from national cuisines have kept the ingredients consistent for centuries for one important reason. The combination of products, tested by the experience of generations.

Tomato and avocado sauce is very good for the body. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which protects against serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. But to digest it, it needs fat.

In this case, vegetable fat, and it is contained in avocados. Mexicans refuse to sit at a table without guacamole sauce, which consists of tomatoes and avocados.

Food combination
Food combination

Another good source of vegetable fat for the absorption of lycopene from tomatoes is olive oil. This is apparently guessed by the ancient Italians, who made the first tomato salads with olive oil.

Oatmeal goes perfectly with orange juice - that's why this breakfast has been a favorite of Americans for years. According to experts, citrus juice helps cleanse your arteries of bad cholesterol.

The beneficial effect is twofold, because both oranges and oatmeal contain phenols, which reduce the level of bad cholesterol. According to scientists, the combination of tomatoes and broccoli protects the prostate from disease.

Red apples are rich in the anti-inflammatory antioxidant quercetin. Their skin contains the largest amount of it. It reduces the risk of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, allergies and Alzheimer's.

Chocolate contains the flavonoid cathefin, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. When apples are combined with chocolate, their action is much more powerful. That's why scientists advise us to consume apples with liquid chocolate and apple juice with chocolate biscuits.

Why is it better to flavor a salad with lemon instead of vinegar? Because vitamin C, which is contained in lemon, helps absorb the iron contained in plant foods.


Lemon juice in combination with lettuce, iceberg lettuce, spinach, cabbage or other lettuce from plant leaves increases the protective properties of the body and helps strengthen muscle mass.

Turmeric, which is typical of Central Asian cuisine and is always found in curry sauce, has anti-inflammatory properties. The beneficial substance contained in this spice is called curcumin.

The bad thing is that it has low bioactivity. But if you combine turmeric with a pinch of ground black pepper, the bioactivity of the substance curcumin increases a hundredfold. That is why turmeric is always combined with black pepper.

Many vitamins, such as A, D and E, are not absorbed by the body in the absence of fat. The best way to supply your body with them is the following: yogurt, which contains vitamin D, is consumed with apricot or peach - they contain vitamin A and almonds, which contain vitamin E.
