They Created An Alternative Meat For Vegetarians

They Created An Alternative Meat For Vegetarians
They Created An Alternative Meat For Vegetarians

A new type of meat specifically for vegetarians has been created by European scientists.

The appearance of the new product is almost the same as that of ordinary meat.

Its taste is also reminiscent of meat products, but it contains only vegetables.

The revolutionary substitute was developed by specialists from the University of Natural Resources and Science together with their colleagues from Wageningen University.

Meat substitute
Meat substitute

11 companies engaged in food production also took part in the creation of the product.

The new type of meat was created on the initiative of the "LikeMeat" project.

Project manager Florian Wilde of the Fraunhofer Institute believes that in the near future this substitute will start to be produced in industrial quantities, will be cheap and with a long shelf life.

The product is suitable not only for vegetarians but also for people suffering from allergies.

The creators of the product announced that the production of the new type of meat did not cause any damage to the environment.


Scientists are looking for new meat substitutes given the growing needs of humanity for food, especially meat.

According to Live Science statistics, meat consumption will double by the middle of the century.

Biologist Patrick Brown claims that we have a whole class of products that are in no way different from ordinary meat.

According to him, if fewer animals are kept, the risk of transmitting diseases to humans will be reduced, the need for land for pastures will be eliminated, and many plant crops that are otherwise given to animals will be saved.

The biologist believes that it will be of great benefit if we focus our efforts on converting cheap, abundant and sustainable crops into nutrient-rich and in particular protein "meat" products that people consume precisely because of these qualities.

So far, other scientists have tried to solve the problem of creating meat in a laboratory using stem cells, but the cost of this alternative meat would be very high and impossible for most consumers.
