Meat In A Test Tube - The Food Of The Future

Meat In A Test Tube - The Food Of The Future
Meat In A Test Tube - The Food Of The Future

Scientists predict that by 2050 there will be 9.6 billion people on earth and most likely food shortages. That's why they set out to find an alternative to our current food.

Powdered food, jellyfish dishes, insects, algae, laboratory meat, faecal water, food patch - these are just some of the options.

Danish scientists have already succeeded in creating in vitro meat (meat in a test tube). The idea comes from NASA, and the goal is to create suitable food for astronauts.

Insects or also called mini cattle by scientists will become an important part of our menu, as they have the same nutritional value as meat, in addition, their breeding is many times cheaper, and 1400 species are known to be edible.

Algae are not a very common food, but they would be a solution as they grow in the oceans and seas. Scientists even claim that they can be used for biofuel.

In 2013, the first powder cocktail was presented. Its creator claims that it can completely replace traditional food - you just need to add water to the contents.

What awaits us, no one knows, but it is a fact that a change in our lives is coming. I just hope it's good!
