What Are The Most Harmful Products

What Are The Most Harmful Products
What Are The Most Harmful Products

American nutritionists believe that the most harmful foods to human health are salt, sugar, butter and white flour products.

Salt is the main cause of cardiovascular disease. It increases the pressure. Beware of salt hidden in various sauces and dressings.

However, experts point to healthy alternatives not only to salt, but also to other harmful products. For example, they offer to get rid of salt at the expense of spices.

Sugar affects weight, blood sugar and causes fluctuations in insulin levels in the blood. You can use honey instead of sugar. The natural product does not lead to weight gain and is one of the healthiest.

The oil contains saturated fats, which are harmful to the heart. In addition, the oil is very high in calories. There is hardly anyone who does not know that he is gaining weight. We can replace it with olive oil or linseed oil.

White flour products are carbohydrate foods. All useful substances from the flour disappear during the grinding of the grain. That is why it is better to eat spaghetti or wholemeal bread.

Sweets are other foods that are not bad to avoid. They gain weight because they have a lot of calories but few nutrients. If your body "wants" jam, try to at least limit the use of sugar.

Alcohol is the next harmful product. Do not drink more than 100 ml of alcohol a day, experts advise. It contains a lot of calories and prevents the body from absorbing vitamins. The healthiest option is red wine.

What are the most harmful products
What are the most harmful products

Saturated fats. They are found in meat, cheese, chicken skin and ice cream. Increase cholesterol and weight.

Sausages are also not considered healthy foods. Moreover, nowadays there are no meat sausages.

Soft drinks are especially harmful. Most excess weight and various gastritis, colitis are caused by their use. Discard them from your menu best.

Chips are a calorie bomb that brings nothing but problems to the body. Lard should also be excluded from your menu. Pork is generally heavy meat and brings nothing to the body.

Pate is another completely useless food. It is made from ground leftovers from the slaughterhouse - bacon, skins, bones, etc. Bacon salami is made from bacon and leftover meat. It is also considered harmful.
