Drink Enough Water To Stay Healthy In The Winter

Drink Enough Water To Stay Healthy In The Winter
Drink Enough Water To Stay Healthy In The Winter

According to many studies, it turns out that over 70% of people do not drink enough water. Lack of enough water in the body during the day can damage our physical shape and intellectual abilities.

When we feel thirsty, our body signals danger.

Water is a basic building block of our body and we need it for all vital functions. The feeling of thirst most often appears to inform us in some way about the deficiency of water in the body. Tells us about dehydration. Thirst is a kind of protective mechanism.

What is water really for?

It participates in all life and metabolic processes in our body. It promotes the metabolism of nutrients, participates in thermal regulation through sweating, participates in the disposal of liquid waste, etc.

The renewal of water in the body is done by consuming at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. In this way we compensate for what is lost through sweat, urine and fumes. When this balance is disturbed, dehydration occurs in our country. Our body does not have water reserves, so it is important to supply it with enough fluids every day.

How to hydrate effectively?

Mineral water
Mineral water

With food consumption we supply up to 1 liter of water per day. This means that the remaining liter and a half that we need for the day, we must get by drinking fluids. This amount is average, and the amount of water per day is determined by age, weight, physical activity of each person. External factors such as season, temperature, humidity, etc. are also taken into account.

What are the consequences of dehydration of our body?

Lack of water will certainly increase the risk of urinary tract infections, kidney stones and chronic constipation.

There is no scientific evidence that drinking more fluids keeps our skin younger and helps with weight loss.
