How Do The French Prepare Meatballs?

How Do The French Prepare Meatballs?
How Do The French Prepare Meatballs?

Just mentioning the word meatballs, you probably immediately feel their aroma and imagine them grilled, inevitably accompanied by their faithful friends - kebabs and delicious side dishes.

Here, however, we will surprise you and offer you a completely different one recipe for meatballs in French, for which, however, you will not need any exotic spices or products, but just a little more onions and potatoes.

Ingredients needed for French meatballs

800 g of minced meat

1 kg of onions

1 egg

about 1 kg of potatoes

1 tsp oil

50 g butter

1/2 bunch parsley

flour for rolling



Minced meatballs
Minced meatballs

300 g grated yellow cheese

How to prepare French meatballs:

Cut 1 onion and mix it together with the minced meat, parsley and egg. Add salt and other spices as desired (traditional Bulgarian meatballs are savory, black pepper and cumin, but with them your recipe will not be "bash" for French meatballs). Leave the mixture to stand in the refrigerator for about 1 hour so that the products absorb the aromas.

Meanwhile, cut the remaining onions into small crescents and the potatoes the way you cut them for french fries. According to the French recipe, however, they must be much thinner.

French meatballs
French meatballs

From the meat mixture form meatballs, roll them in flour and fry them in hot oil. When they are ready, leave them on kitchen paper to drain.

Add the oil to the remaining oil and heat again. Add salt to the onion, roll it in flour and fry it until golden. Take it out and fry the potatoes as well. Mix them with onions.

Grease a pan and put half of the onion-potato mixture, arrange the meatballs on it and pour the rest of the mixture on them. Sprinkle with grated yellow cheese and red pepper and bake in a preheated 200 degree oven until fully cooked.

We will mention that this dish is not very dietary and will not be your best option if you are trying to lose a few pounds. But you are guaranteed to lick your fingers after consuming it. Be careful only with the mentioned Bulgarian manners not to fall into the field of view of some refined Frenchman. Just kidding, of course!
