Let's Properly Season The Minced Meat For Meatballs And Kebabs

Let's Properly Season The Minced Meat For Meatballs And Kebabs
Let's Properly Season The Minced Meat For Meatballs And Kebabs

The meatballs and kebabs are an indispensable part of the menu of the Balkan peoples. There is no reliable information about which country they come from, but they are spread all over the world.

The minced meat with which you prepare them can be seasoned in a variety of ways, as long as you follow some basic rules, but always the meatball should have an oval shape and the kebab oblong.

But here's what it's important to know if you're wondering how to prepare minced meat for meatballs and kebabs these meat delicacies, a favorite of every decent Balkan man.

Here proper preparation of minced meat for meatballs and kebabs, seasoning and flavoring the minced meat.

- It is important to know that meatballs and kebabs are often prepared from the same minced meat and in most cases with the same spices. It is obligatory to add 5 g of black pepper and 5 g of cumin per 1 kg of minced meat. In essence, however, the minced meat for the two specialties differs in its way of seasoning;

Minced meat for meatballs and kebabs
Minced meat for meatballs and kebabs

- Along with these spices, which are absolutely mandatory, in different parts of Bulgaria there are different ways to season the minced meat. Finely chopped old or fresh onions, savory, parsley, etc. can be added to the minced meat. spices;

- Also usually put the middle of soaked in water and drained bread and egg when preparing fried meatballs. This is not done if you are cooking grilled meatballs or oven, as well as kebabs. Often in minced meat for kebabs a little cold water is added;

- No matter what spices you choose to use, it is definitely good and knead the minced meat for a long time;

- The Balkans are characterized by the use of mixed minced pork and beef in a ratio of 60-40%;

- The best meatballs and kebabs are made from the meat on the shoulder or around the belly of the pig. If it is not fat enough, bacon is added, which makes the meatballs and kebabs more juicy and tasty;

- It is very important, after choosing the right spices for the meatballs and kebabs and adding them to the minced meat, to leave it covered with a towel or foil in the cold for a while. It's best to even leave it like that all night so that the spices can soak into it nicely, saturating it with aromas;

- If your idea of meatballs is to fry them, not to grill or grill them, you can add a little baking soda to the minced meat, because so the meatballs will become fluffier. Often for a similar purpose in some parts of Bulgaria they add a spoon or two yogurt to minced meatballs and kebabs;

- If you want the kebabs and meatballs to be more spicy, you can add hot red pepper or finely chopped hot pepper when you mix the minced meat. Interesting taste these meat delicacies get if you add a little chopped mint leaves or mint, in the company and chopped green onions in the composition of the minced meat;

Lamb kebabs with garnish
Lamb kebabs with garnish

- If you have invited guests to meatballs and kebabs that are Muslim, you should choose minced beef or lamb. By no means pork. You can then add bacon and other spices to it;

- When serving meatballs and kebabs, you can add a few sprigs of fresh onions for garnish. Another suitable option is lutenitsa with chopped leeks, which is a classic like garnish for meatballs and kebabs.

Once you know how to season the minced meat, you can take advantage of these tried and tested recipes for meatballs and delicious kebabs.
