Garlic - Useful For Teeth And Contraindicated For Pregnant Women

Garlic - Useful For Teeth And Contraindicated For Pregnant Women
Garlic - Useful For Teeth And Contraindicated For Pregnant Women

Undoubtedly, garlic has a number of proven health benefits. Dried garlic, for example, contains specific antimicrobial substances called phytoncides.

Many are aware of the beneficial effects of garlic in various diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, as well as in many other conditions.

An interesting detail about this root plant is the fact that the ancient Greeks called garlic with a not very aesthetic name "stinking rose". However, since those times it has been widely used for food and healing.

However, folk healers are of the opinion that garlic is far from suitable for every disease or condition.

Garlic is not recommended in large quantities for pregnant women, people with [overweight}, as well as those suffering from certain sexually transmitted diseases. There have also been cases in which the condition of patients with epilepsy worsened due to the consumption of the spicy product.


The situation is similar with onions. And it, like garlic, is a valuable source of healthy phytoncides. Onions are also extremely useful in many diseases of the oral cavity. The intake of the plant is also recommended for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, etc.

Some experts even claim that onions slow down blood clotting. Therefore, its use is suitable for thrombophlebitis, as well as in other diseases with accelerated blood clotting. Accelerated blood clotting is also seen in an increasingly common condition called atherosclerosis - congestion and hardening of the arteries, often leading to a heart attack.

In this sense, onions are useful for the elderly both raw and as a supplement and spice to food.

At the same time, according to some healers, it is contraindicated in case of increased tendency to hemorrhage, and for women - during menstruation.
