Which Cheeses Are Forbidden For Pregnant Women

Which Cheeses Are Forbidden For Pregnant Women
Which Cheeses Are Forbidden For Pregnant Women

Cheeses are an important source of protein and calcium that pregnant women need. But pregnant women should avoid certain types of cheese, as they may contain bacteria that can harm the fetus.

These bacteria are called listeria. Pregnant women should not consume the following cheeses: soft with mold, such as brie and Camembert.

In addition - cheeses with blue mold such as Stilton, Roquefort, Dor Blue and Dana Blue. These cheeses contain more water and less acid than others, which creates excellent conditions for bacteria to multiply.

Heat treatment kills the causes of listeriosis, so heat-treated dishes prepared with these cheeses can be consumed by pregnant women.


In the elderly, listeriosis occurs as an acute inflammation of the airways. But the immunity of a pregnant woman is weak, and therefore the disease can be severe.

The symptoms of listeriosis appear only a few weeks after the bacteria enter the body, so it is difficult to determine exactly what caused the disease.

Symptoms of listeriosis include fever, muscle and back pain. After diagnosis, it is treated with antibiotics.

Hard cheeses are considered safe to eat. Listeria is present in negligible quantities and does not pose a threat to the pregnant woman.

Cheeses that can be consumed during pregnancy are gouda, Dutch, cheddar, edam, emmental, parmesan, maasdam, pecorino, radamer.

In addition, soft processed cheeses such as feta, cottage cheese, cottage cheese, goat cheese without white crust, mascarpone, mozzarella, Philadelphia, ricotta can be consumed.

All varieties of yogurt, probiotic drinks, cottage cheese and cream are also safe for consumption by pregnant women.
