Do Not Drink Tea After Eating

Do Not Drink Tea After Eating
Do Not Drink Tea After Eating

Hot tea is believed to be useful at high temperatures. This is not true at all. Theophylline, which is contained in black tea, raises body temperature.

Theophylline is a diuretic, so even if you take a medicine for fever, if you drink tea, it almost completely destroys the effect of the drug.

Do not drink hot tea. If you overdo this habit, it can lead to changes in the throat, esophagus and even the stomach. The temperature of the tea should not exceed fifty degrees.

Do not drink tea at bedtime - if it is black, its action will be tonic, so does green tea. A cup of strong tea at bedtime causes a faster heart rate, speeds up blood flow, and high levels of caffeine and theine can cause headaches and insomnia.

Do not make a second and third infusion of once brewed tea or tea bag. Already in the second infusion harmful elements are released, which are not present in the first infusion.

Do not drink tea after eating
Do not drink tea after eating

Do not drink tea after meals. The tannin contained in tea helps to harden protein and iron and thus reduces their absorption.

Drink tea before meals or half an hour after eating. Never drink tea while taking medication. The tannins in tea form tannin, from which many drugs are poorly absorbed by the body.

Tea is not compatible with alcoholic beverages. If you drink alcohol first and then tea, it damages the kidneys. Theophylline in tea accelerates the process of making urine in the kidneys and leads to the fact that they can get still undissolved acetaldehyde.

It has a very bad effect on the kidneys and can lead to serious consequences. Alcohol should not be mixed with tea, especially if it is black.
