French Diet Program Unloading

Video: French Diet Program Unloading

Video: French Diet Program Unloading
Video: KIDS EAT FRENCH FOOD! | Kids Vs. Food 2024, September
French Diet Program Unloading
French Diet Program Unloading

The biggest problem with diets is their difficult adherence - everyone starts the diet extremely ambitious to reach the end result, but often the desire is not enough and soon we give up. For all those for whom dieting has so far been impossible, French nutritionists have figured out how to maintain a perfect appearance without having to maintain a constant diet. The method is called "unloading" and is becoming increasingly popular in Europe.

The revolutionary program includes a menu restriction to only one day of the week. Experts are convinced that this period is quite enough to be able to lose two pounds a month. The Unloading diet requires us to choose a day of the week during which the menu will be observed. These days there are actually two types - satiating and hungry. During one week you trust a satisfying day, and the next a hungry one.

Experts find the satiating days very suitable for those of you who have not yet chosen the right diet and who are against a sharp change in eating habits, but still want to lose weight. It is said that hunger is not so painful and weight loss is relatively easy. You can eat between 700 and 1000 calories a day. Experts remind that drinking fluids is very important - it is best to rely on weak teas and water, at least two liters.


Here are four options for these so-called saturating days:

- Make a fruit salad with different fruits, the total fruit should be between 1 kg and 2, 5 kg. Season them with yogurt, which has a fat content of up to 1% and divide the resulting salad into four portions. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir and do not forget about the two liters of liquid you need to drink for the day;

- The next option is to stew vegetables and seafood - it is good to choose up to three types of seafood and a maximum of two types of vegetables. The amount of vegetables should be no more than 800 g, and seafood - up to half a kilogram. Roast or boil seafood, but do not add salt. The vegetables you can choose from are tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, green beans or peppers. Do not leak water;

Weight loss
Weight loss

- The next suggestion is to mix 400 g of nonfat cottage cheese with 800 g of fruits - such as strawberries, cherries and raspberries. You confuse them and eat from it several times a day, trying to divide it into equal portions;

- The last suggestion for a filling day is to cook 400 g of meat, but without adding salt and add up to 800 g of fresh vegetables, again without salt. Divide into several portions and eat, drinking a glass of kefir before bed.

Hungry days are not really hungry in the literal sense of the word. You can eat during them, but the condition is to consume only the same product. This way your digestive system will rest. The options on offer contain between 500 and 900 calories. Drink large amounts of water again - at least a liter and a half a day. Such fasting days are recommended especially after the rich meals of the holidays.

- One of the options is to buy a kilo and a half of apples, and you can eat them raw, or you can bake them with a little cottage cheese and cinnamon;

Weight loss
Weight loss

- The next suggestion is to divide a watermelon into several portions and eat it for a day;

- If the fruit does not seem like a good idea, choose a yogurt product with a fat content of not more than 1.5% and eat a liter and a half of it in small sips throughout the day;

- The last offer is for bananas - you can afford up to 7. Water is a must, whichever option you choose.

These unloading days are recommended on days when you will be busy and will not think about food constantly. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger, drink a glass of water or kefir.
