Unloading Diet Without Dairy Products

Unloading Diet Without Dairy Products
Unloading Diet Without Dairy Products

In addition to dietary meals, it is useful to make regular unloading days. As a rule, the days of unloading are made up of one type of product, the load on the digestive system decreases, and the excretion of slag from the body increases.

For women over 40, one or two plant-free days a week are helpful, especially in the summer. In winter, during the period of significant decrease in air temperature, the body needs more energy for thermoregulatory processes. Therefore, it needs more caloric foods with the necessary availability of meat and fat.

In summer you have the opportunity to cleanse your body and get rid of extra pounds. We remind you that it is better to eat at least half of vegetables in raw form.

Vegetables and fruits, low-fat or non-fat dairy products, rice or other cereals and meat products are used for unloading days.

In summer it is recommended to use fresh vegetables and fruits, and in spring and winter vegetables, cereals, dairy products.

The general methodology for conducting vegetable (vegetable) unloading days is the average:

Fresh vegetables and fruits 1.2 -1.5 g, divided into 4-5 portions of 200-250 g. If possible, vegetables should be raw, in the form of salads with a small addition of vegetable oil and without salt.

During the day, drink 1.5 -2 liters of liquid mineral water (without carbonated), water or herbal tea.

You can make an apple unloading day, so it is better to bake the apples in the oven. Thus, the amount of organic acids in them, which stimulate the appetite, will decrease.
