Unloading Days With Apples

Unloading Days With Apples
Unloading Days With Apples

Unloading days are becoming more popular. They help both to get rid of normal weight and to cleanse the body.

The name unloading day does not literally mean hunger. There are a number of products that can be consumed through it.

It is recommended to have one unloading day each week. More liquids are drunk through it than usual - at least 2 liters. This can be either water or green tea. In addition, it is good to choose a less busy day, during which you do not plan serious work.

It has been proven that it is not always appropriate to reduce energy imports during the working week. Weekends are considered the most suitable. If you choose one to be unloading, then let the other be richer in food and combined with a walk in the park or mountain.

It is possible to do 2 unloading days a week. As a rule, one should be with vegetable and the other with dairy products.

Unloading days are useful for almost everyone. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. They are contraindicated during illness and general fatigue, diabetes and chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver.


One of the most suitable and loved foods for unloading days are apples. During the selected day they are accepted at 3 meals. The quantity must not exceed 1.5 kg. Fluids are unlimited.

In addition to apples, the unloading days can be with protein, cottage cheese, carrots, bananas, salad, potatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, soup and kefir. If you feel hungry at the beginning of the regimen, the food may increase slightly.

The most severe regime is only with hunger - 24 hours no food. However, it should be used by people who are completely healthy and should consult a doctor. There are also a number of suggestions for sample menus for unloading days.

You should not rush to food immediately after the unloading day. The stomach should not be burdened with heavy food, especially at dinner.
