Fruits And Vegetables With The Most Vitamin C

Fruits And Vegetables With The Most Vitamin C
Fruits And Vegetables With The Most Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is found in many foods - especially in fruits and vegetables. It is known to be a powerful antioxidant and has positive effects on skin health and immune function. It is also vital for the synthesis of collagen, connective tissue, bones, teeth and small blood vessels.

The human body cannot produce or store vitamin C. It is therefore important that it is consumed regularly in sufficient quantities.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is 30 mg to 60 mg depending on age; in pregnant and lactating women the need for vitamin C is 100 mg daily. If there is a serious illness, the body's needs can increase even between 500-1000 mg.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include bleeding gums, frequent bruises and infections, poor wound healing, anemia and more.

Here are the foods with high in vitamin C..

1. Cockatoo plums

Cockatoo plums (Terminalia ferdinandiana) is an Australian food that contains 100 times more vitamin C than oranges. This fruit has the highest concentration of vitamin C - up to 5,300 ml per 100 grams. Only one plum has 481 mg of vitamin C, which is 530% of the daily intake for an adult.

2. Cherries


Photo: Stoyanka Rusenova

Only half a cup (49 g) of cherries deliver 822 ml Vitamin C or 913% of the daily dose. Studies in animals using acerola extract have shown that they can have anti-cancer properties, prevent UV damage to the skin and even reduce DNA damage caused by poor diet.

3. Rose hips

Rose hips have long been known for its high content of vitamin C.which makes them indispensable in the colder months.

4. Chili peppers


Green hot peppers contain 242 ml of vitamin C per 100 grams. That is why one green pepper provides 121% of the daily intake, while one red - 72%.

5. Guava

This pink tropical fruit grows in Mexico and South America. One guava contains 126 ml of vitamin C or 140% of vitamin C.

6. Yellow peppers

Yellow peppers
Yellow peppers

The content of vitamin C in sweet peppers increases when ripe. Only half a cup (75 grams) of yellow peppers provides 137 ml of vitamin C or 152% of SG, which is twice the amount found in green peppers. Yellow peppers contain the highest concentration of vitamin C of all sweet peppers with 183 ml per 100 grams.

7. Black currants - blackcurrants

Half a cup (56 grams) of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) contains 101 mg of vitamin C or 112% of the daily intake.

8. Thyme

Fresh thyme
Fresh thyme

Fresh thyme has three times more vitamin C than oranges and is one of the highest concentrations of all culinary herbs with vitamin C.

9. Parsley

Two tablespoons (8 grams) of fresh parsley contain 10 mg of vitamin C, providing 11%.

10. Cale


One cup of chopped raw kale provides 80 mg of vitamin C.

11. Kiwi

Studies show that kiwi-rich kiwis can help reduce oxidative stress, lower cholesterol and improve immunity.

12. Broccoli


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable. Half a cup of cooked broccoli provides 51 ml Vitamin C.

13. Brussels sprouts

Like most cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts are also high in fiber, vitamin K, folate, vitamin A, manganese and potassium.

14. Lemons


Lemons contain 77 ml of vitamin C per 100 grams, and one average lemon provides 92% of SG.

15. Lychee

One lychee fruit provides almost 7 ml of vitamin C or 7.5% of what is needed per day, while one glass - 151%.

16. Paradise apple

Paradise apple
Paradise apple

Photo: Albena Atanasova

Persimmons are an orange fruit that looks like an orange tomato. There are many different varieties, all of which are excellent sources of vitamin C.
