Queen With Diarrhea And Gastrointestinal Disorders

Queen With Diarrhea And Gastrointestinal Disorders
Queen With Diarrhea And Gastrointestinal Disorders

Diarrhea and upset stomach most often occur due to overeating or a combination of incompatible products. Sometimes the cause can be in poor quality or outdated products.

An upset stomach can also be a symptom of a disease. You can take measures at home - for example, try to stop diarrhea with herbs, but if there is no effect, seek the opinion of a specialist.

Folk medicine recommends many herbs for stomach problems, here are some recipes:

- Put 1 tsp. water in a saucepan on the stove and after boiling, pour 2 tbsp. St. John's wort in a thermos. Leave the mixture for about half an hour and then strain it - drink the infusion in small sips until there is some improvement.

- Another effective recipe you can prepare with the help of sorrel. Put a tablespoon of the herb in a thermos and pour hot water - about 1 ½ tsp. Allow the mixture to simmer for three hours and then strain and drink in small sips.

- Oak bark is also effective in stomach upset - pour a tablespoon of it with 1 tsp. boiling water. Allow the infusion to cool completely, then strain and drink 2 tsp. at 15 minutes.


- Pomegranate is very effective in stomach problems - boil for ten minutes 1 tsp. pomegranate peel in half a liter of water. Then strain and take one glass of wine before meals.

- In case you do not have diarrhea, but you feel stomach pain, make tea with yarrow. Put 1 tbsp. in 1 tsp. boiling water and after three minutes remove from the heat. Sweeten with honey and drink. Drink two or three such teas in one day.

- Extremely effective herb for stomach ailments is the queen. The infusion of this plant is used to treat not only diarrhea but also gastroenteritis, soothes stomach cramps. It also helps regulate heavy menstruation, vaginal discharge, tear wound infections or eczema.

To prepare it, you need 2 tsp. dried herb, which should be watered with 1 tsp. boiling water. Cover the mixture and let the infusion stand for a quarter of an hour, then strain. Take the infusion in three doses.
