How Much Sugar Do We Need Every Day?

How Much Sugar Do We Need Every Day?
How Much Sugar Do We Need Every Day?

The amount of sugar we need daily has been determined by the World Health Organization since 1990. According to him, the daily dose is 50 g for women and 50 g for men. However, new data on the issue are about to change this constant.

According to a new study conducted by scientists from Newcastle, the human body should be supplied with only 30 grams of sugar per day, regardless of gender. This amount includes not only the sugar that is consumed directly, but also that which is taken from sweets.

According to experts, following this measure, we will not only maintain our normal weight, but also protect ourselves from problems such as caries, diabetes and heart problems.

Regularly exceeding the specified amount can seriously endanger our health in the long run. There is a deficiency of triglycerides in the blood and insulin resistance is affected. These are complications typical of diabetes.

Experts remind that sugar it is also taken through carbohydrates, ie through bread. The most dangerous is white bread. However, it cannot be compared to the threat posed by sweet carbonated drinks. They are real sugar bombs.

The most popular aluminum can with a standard size of 330 milliliters contains between 27 and 33 g of sugar. If you can afford one twice a week, there will be no big problem, but if you drink two of them a day, it exceeds the permissible norms many times over. And the consequences are not pleasant at all.


Despite the warnings sugar consumption constantly growing. This is most evident in the United States, where it has been found that every second child drinks one can of soda a day. In combination with other sugars that the child consumes during the day from other sources, the daily dose is many times higher than the established norms.

The result is the massive obesity of children in the United States, which is alarming at the highest level in Washington. The problem is being talked about more and more often in our country, as obesity occurs at an earlier age and in more and more adolescents in our country as well. And it's all the result of uncontrolled sugar intake.
