Revolutionary! The Diet Of The Swedes Loses Weight Without Starvation

Revolutionary! The Diet Of The Swedes Loses Weight Without Starvation
Revolutionary! The Diet Of The Swedes Loses Weight Without Starvation

As summer approaches, every lady is frantically looking for a successful regime to get in shape. There is nothing easier than that with the revolutionary diet of the Swedes.

The unique regime makes you forget about the calories and the specific hours in which you eat. The rules are ironclad, but not difficult to follow. The diet requires a reduction in carbohydrates to a minimum, at the expense of fats and proteins. You eat at any time, regardless of time and quantity.

The Swedish diet divides permitted foods into several main groups. They are as follows:

- All types of meat;

- All types of fish and fish products;

- Eggs prepared in all ways;

- Vegetables that grow above ground - cabbage, broccoli, olives, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, lettuce, avocados, peppers;

Meat with vegetables
Meat with vegetables

- Dairy products with a high percentage of fat - yogurt, butter, cream, cottage cheese, cheese;

- Nuts - sunflower, nuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts.

All these products can be consumed within the regime according to the scheme below.

In addition to these products, you can occasionally alternate them with vegetables such as beets, carrots, turnips and celery. One fruit a day is enough instead of dessert. Raspberries are recommended - up to 250 g. In addition, twice a week you can pamper yourself with chocolate with more than 70% cocoa.

Stopping the bread
Stopping the bread

Absolutely forbidden in the diet of the Swedes are sugar, carbonated drinks, pasta, pastries, ice cream, muesli, all kinds of artificial sweeteners, margarine, refined oils, all cereals and starch - bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, chips, porridge, as well as alcohol, especially beer.

The scheme of the diet is simple - you eat the allowed foods at will and exclude from the menu the forbidden ones. This way you will lose weight quickly, and without any hunger and deprivation.
