Nutrition In Hypertension

Nutrition In Hypertension
Nutrition In Hypertension

More and more people are suffering from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Hypertension is provoked by two main factors - lack of exercise and poor nutrition.

Therefore, in the fight against hypertension, you must first review your menu. In case of high blood pressure, they should be excluded from the menu and even limit the consumption of products that raise blood pressure.

You should completely stop consuming products that contain a lot of caffeine - coffee, black tea. It is also recommended to exclude from the menu spicy, too salty dishes and smoked meats.

Fatty products should also not be consumed - such as fatty meats, oily fish, fish oil, solid fats, as well as cream ice cream. Cakes and pastes with greasy creams also fall into this category.

Liver and other types of trifles are also not recommended for people with high blood pressure. Alcohol is also contraindicated. An exception is red wine, in small quantities.

Salt consumption should be severely limited to 4 grams per day. In case of exacerbated hypertension, it is recommended to stop consuming salt.

Quick-digesting carbohydrates such as sugar, honey, candy and jam should also be reduced. Animal fats such as butter and cream should be consumed in very small amounts, it is recommended to consume vegetable fats.

Potatoes should also be consumed in limited quantities, as should legumes.

Consumption of only black bread is allowed, not more than two hundred grams per day. In hypertension, the diet should be based on lean fish and meat, mainly cooked, milk and dairy products, but not fatty, vegetable soups, raw and cooked vegetables.

It is recommended to consume products that are rich in potassium and magnesium - fresh and dried apricots, apples and bananas. Diet is especially important for hypertension if you are overweight.
