Let's Grow An Orange In A Pot

Let's Grow An Orange In A Pot
Let's Grow An Orange In A Pot

Growing an orange in a pot is a very good and fresh solution. The citrus fruit brings a Mediterranean touch to your home with the characteristic smell of its shiny leaves. It will also delight you with delicious fruits.

Orange is an unpretentious plant. Its colors smell extremely pleasant, thus pleasantly aromatizing every room in which it is placed. In addition, they are extremely beautiful, colored in yellow or orange.

Orange likes an average temperature between 10-12 ° C in winter and 17-20 ° C during flowering and fruit set. These conditions are easily achievable in our climatic conditions. In summer it is good to take the tree to the balcony, in a colorful shade. Do not leave it in direct sunlight, as it can burn its leaves.

When the weather starts to cool down, put the orange in the room first only in the evening to get used to, and then for the whole winter season. When inside, the orange will need light. When the day goes down, provide him with artificial lighting.

In summer, the orange is watered every day, and in winter - once a week with warm water. Do not allow drying, as well as excessive moisture. During flowering and tying the fruits of the tree are sprayed again with warm water and the leaves are wiped with a wet cloth.


Oranges need nutritious soil. Transplanted every 2-3 years, and during growth - annually. This should be done in early spring before the tree blooms. Keep in mind that there is a pattern - the larger the pot in which you place the orange, the roots grow more and more, and the tree remains smaller.

When transplanting oranges, you should know that young plants need lighter soil and adults need heavy. To transplant a growing orange, prepare a mixture of 2 parts turf soil, 1 part leaflet, 1 part natural manure and 1 part sand. For adult trees, the dose is increased by another part of turf soil, with a small amount of clay.
