How Much Water Does Everyone Need?

How Much Water Does Everyone Need?
How Much Water Does Everyone Need?

Do you walk around constantly with a bottle of water, trying to drink eight glasses of water a day? Most people know that keeping hydrated is good for our body. But does it really improve our health, help us lose weight or improve our performance?

Water, including flavored varieties, helps to expel waste products from the body, thus purifying the body, which is definitely an important function.

It also maintains blood volume, helping the body receive adequate amounts of oxygen, which improves physical activity.

However, recent studies show that the widespread belief that drinking eight glasses of water a day helps maintain weight is not true. This can only be achieved with less eating and more exercise.

The recommendation to drink eight glasses of water a day is a general prescription that does not take into account the individual characteristics of people - such as the percentage of subcutaneous fat, caloric needs, kidney function or how much a person sweats.

How much water does everyone need?
How much water does everyone need?

Older people, young children, athletes and those who exercise in warm climates are most at risk of dehydration.

In the aging process or when physical activity is extreme, the mechanism of thirst that we usually rely on may not work.

When training hard or working in a warm climate, it is good to drink half a glass of water every 20 minutes to avoid dehydration.

For the average individual, the general prescription for consuming eight glasses of water a day is appropriate. Tap water can be used to recover lost fluids.

However, it is important to remember that alcohol and caffeinated beverages are only half counted because they cause more fluid loss.

Save sweet sports drinks for when you need endurance, but flavored low-calorie water can help you reach eight glasses a day more easily.

During the long summer days, it is a good idea to drink often from the water bottle to stay hydrated.
