Cod In Infertility And Liver Disease

Cod In Infertility And Liver Disease
Cod In Infertility And Liver Disease

Herbs, which are used to treat liver disease, most often stimulate liver function, soothe pain and have anti-inflammatory effects. The plants that are used, no matter how useful, must be drunk under medical supervision.

Thistle is one of the herbs that is extremely effective in inflammation of the liver, the plant helps with cirrhosis, cancer. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tsp. of the herb and 250 ml of water.

The flounder is not boiled, but only boiled - pour the herb with boiling water and leave it to soak for ten minutes.

Then strain the mixture and drink in the morning in sips before breakfast. The amount for the day is only one glass, unless you have cirrhosis or liver cancer - then drink two glasses.

Another useful and effective herb in liver disease is cod - it also helps with cirrhosis. It is also effective in other conditions - it has a diuretic effect and a very mild laxative. It is recommended to be taken with sand or kidney stones, inflamed prostate, problems with the intestines or stomach.

Benefits of Troscott
Benefits of Troscott

It is also recommended for blood purification - in Bulgarian folk medicine it is used to treat gout, rheumatism, cough. It is claimed that the decoction of cod can also cure infertility. It can also be used externally - in the form of paws.

Large amounts of cod tea are recommended for the treatment of kidney stones. You can also make a decoction of rose hips and cod - mix a glass of ripe rose hips, 1 tsp. chopped cob roots and 6 -7 walnuts.

Put everything in a suitable container, and the walnuts should be knocked to crack. Pour all this with two liters of water and bring to a boil, after the water remains half a liter, withdraw. Strain and drink one cup of coffee after a meal, twice a day.

Cod tea is prepared with 2 tbsp. of the herb. Add them to half a liter and cook for five minutes, then strain. Drink in three equal doses before meals.
