Are Food Coloring Harmful?

Are Food Coloring Harmful?
Are Food Coloring Harmful?

Dyes, which are used in various types of products, are also part of the already known E's. We can find them on the packaging and recognize them by looking from E 100 to E 199. What are the colors in the food we eat? Naturally, the most logical reason is to give the products a better commercial appearance - in some foods they are added to change the color, in others to enhance them.

Where are they most often used? We can find them in all kinds of food products, but it seems that most colors are used in ice cream, various types of jelly and chewy candies, carbonated drinks.

What are the banned dyes and where are they banned:

- E 102 - yellow color, used for coloring dry sushi, jams, snacks, cereals, pastries. It is banned in Australia and Norway.


- E 104 - used in cosmetics - lipsticks, colognes and more. also has a yellow color. Its use is not permitted in the United States and Norway.

- E 107 - the colorant is found in soft drinks and its use is not allowed in Australia and the United States.

- E 110 - it is found in the content of snacks, ice cream, cereals. Not used in Norway.

- E 122 - added to jelly products. Not added in Norway, USA, Australia.

- E 123 - also contained in jelly products and various fillings. It is banned in many places, including the United States, Russia, Australia, Norway.

- E 124 - is considered to be carcinogenic (animal experiments have been performed) and is not used in the USA and Norway.

- E 127 - red dye, which is banned in Norway. Contained in snacks, pastries.

Caramelized apples
Caramelized apples

- E 129 - it is found in spices, food and cosmetics, in addition, it is banned in many countries.

- E 132 and E 133 - are banned in many countries, have a blue color and are used to color biscuits, bakery products, ice cream, dairy products.

- E 142 - is contained in green peas and is banned for use in Sweden, Norway, USA.

- E 151 and E 155 - contained in brown sauces, chocolate cakes, etc. Not used in Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Germany and others.

It is recommended to avoid the use of the following colorants - from E 173 to E 175, E 180, E 160 (b), E 150 (a), E 150 (b), E 150 (c), E 150 (d), E 120, E 128, E 131, E 107. E 103, E 121 are absolutely forbidden for production.
