Diet For Liver Disease

Diet For Liver Disease
Diet For Liver Disease

People with liver disease should follow a special diet because the way of eating directly affects the condition of the liver. First of all, alcohol consumption should be stopped. It dehydrates the body and destroys all the beneficial effects on the liver, acquired in the process of treatment and diet.

Each patient should consult a doctor in order to prepare a regimen tailored to his individual needs and characteristics of the body. But there are general rules to follow for people with liver disease.

The food should be varied and contain all food groups. The difference between the diet of a healthy person and that of a person suffering from liver disease is in the ratio between foods.


In people with liver problems, carbohydrate foods play a major role. These include wheat, rice, corn, pasta, starch creams, semolina, biscuits and oatmeal. The use of wholemeal bread is recommended.

An important place is occupied by fruits and vegetables, which can be eaten raw or cooked. One serving equals one fresh fruit - banana, apple, orange, 200 ml of fruit juice, half a cup of compote or a quarter cup of dried fruit. Suitable are boiled or baked potatoes, cabbage, carrots, spinach. Salads are also an important part of the daily diet.

People with liver disease should exclude from their diet fats, fried foods, porridge. The food should not be fried, but prepared in another way - boiled or baked.

fish fillet
fish fillet

Of the meats to eat only those low in fat, it is recommended that they be cooked. The consumption of sweets and spicy spices should also be minimized. Pickles, canned and salty foods should be excluded from the menu. Sausages and smoked meats are also harmful.

The total daily intake of plant and animal proteins should not exceed 200 grams. Protein-rich foods are meat, fish, dairy products, eggs. Plant foods in this group include beans, peas, lentils and soy.

You need to drink enough water. Milk and teas are also allowed.
