Nutrition In Tuberculosis

Nutrition In Tuberculosis
Nutrition In Tuberculosis

Food plays an important role in the healing process in tuberculosis. Complete nutrition increases the body's resistance, changes its reactivity and protects against exacerbations and complications of the disease process. In any case, the food should be varied, to stimulate the appetite, to be given at certain hours and in sufficient quantities.

Protein is the most important ingredient in the diet of TB patients. It is good to take 130-150 g of protein per day - meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, cheese, milk and more.

Fats should be given in normal amounts and not more than 100-120 g per day - vegetable fats, cream, butter and more.


In the acute stage of the disease, some fat restriction is needed, especially when the patient has a high fever. Restriction should also be made in cases where there is liver disease.

Carbohydrates should be given in normal amounts, and the diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Some scientists advise a certain restriction of easily digestible carbohydrates such as sweet syrups, jams, jam, etc., in cases of accumulation of fluids in body cavities, because they increase the permeability of blood vessels.

Cooking salt should be consumed in moderation, but in acute inflammatory processes and fluid retention in body cavities should be significantly limited. Spicy spices are given in minimal amounts to improve the taste.


The cooking of the food is varied, but heavy stir-frying is not allowed. Particular care should be taken for vitamin enrichment of food - fruit and vegetable juices, oatmeal, bran decoction, rosehip decoctions and more. Daily use of milk and dairy products provides the body with the necessary amount of mineral salts.
