Spring Purification Of The Body

Spring Purification Of The Body
Spring Purification Of The Body

With the onset of spring, the desire for a good figure and good tone increases. In order to look and feel good, you must cleanse the body.

Recharge your batteries and ensure a beautiful and healthy appearance for the summer. The benefits of detoxification are many. The condition of the skin, hair and nails improves. The complexion becomes more radiant, the traces of fatigue are removed and last but not least the body is purified.

The most important thing for detoxification is a proper diet. Forget about sweets and sugar temptations. Consume honey as a substitute for chocolate. Honey is known for its strong cleansing effect. A very good way to detoxify is a massage with honey.

Limit oil, margarine, potatoes, too salty and spicy foods, fatty meats. Compensate for fried and heavy foods with unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables. Eat cooked meat, low-fat cottage cheese.

Spring purification of the body
Spring purification of the body

Water plays a crucial role in cleansing the body of toxins. Drink plenty of water, try to take at least 2, 5 liters per day. Drink freshly squeezed fruit juices, they are also very useful. Minimize coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Start your day with a glass of water with squeezed lemon juice. This will have an invigorating, purifying effect and eliminate your drowsiness.

Do not miss the spring cleansing of the body and the beneficial effects of spring fruits and vegetables. Steaming is the perfect way to prepare your vegetables. Also focus on low protein foods. These are peas, lentils, eggs and chicken. Between meals you can eat nuts that are not salty.

In the beginning, when you start cleansing, you may have a slight headache. In this case, massage the temples with lavender oil, if you can get some sleep.

Try to follow this regimen for at least two weeks. You will not see an immediate result, but you will gradually start to feel and look better. It is advisable to continue to limit the amount of food you eat.
