Easter Fasts - Purification Of Body And Soul

Easter Fasts - Purification Of Body And Soul
Easter Fasts - Purification Of Body And Soul

Fasting it is not just giving up blissful food in order purification of the body. Body fasting or the so-called fasting, to which we subject our body, is directly related to the spiritual fasting through which we try to become pleasing to God. When bodily abstinence and purification are not combined with spiritual one, fasting becomes a simple diet. By giving up blissful food, believers try to humble their souls and repent of their sins.

Easter fasts are the longest and strictest in Orthodox Christianity. They are also called Fortieth because they last for seven weeks or forty days. Pentecost was instituted by the Christian church to commemorate the 40-day fast of Jesus Christ in the wilderness.

By repeating the trial of the Son of God, people are given the opportunity to repent and purify their souls and bodies. The basic rules to which all positions in Orthodox Christianity are subject, including Lent, (Fortieth) are the following:

1. Man abstains from food in order to fight against sin. His faith is measured by abstinence, not by the exhaustion of the body. Before a believer decides to undergo prolonged fasting, he must be aware of his strengths;

2. You need to start preparing early for this test. The church determines post as an ascetic feat that requires prior preparation. If you decide to fast, try to prepare your body by starting fasting every Wednesday and Friday of the year;

3. Before fasting, visit a priest, a priest, who will bless your fast and guide you through this trial;

4. Fasting is not a test for everyone, and the church has complied with it. The sick, pregnant women, young children and travelers are exempt from fasting;

5. The fasting (eating of meat) takes place only after the celebration of the festive liturgy, which marks the end of fasting. Feeding with oily products and meat should be done gradually and carefully;

6. Six degrees of rigor are determined by the Church in Tipica. They are:

- everything except meat (Meat zagovezni);

- tasting fish; hot food prepared with vegetable fat is also allowed on these days;

- hot food with vegetable oil;

- hot food without fat;

- cold food without fat and without hot drinks (so-called dry food);

- complete abstinence from food.

7. Fasting without spiritual purification it is not fasting, but simple abstinence or diet. True believing Christians must refrain from vices and passions. They must strive to eradicate evil from their hearts and souls, to try to forgive the insults inflicted on them. Fasting is a refusal not only of blissful food, but also of spectacles and entertainment, as well as of sex, even for married couples. It is forbidden to watch TV.

During Lent the consumption of fish is allowed only on the Annunciation and on Vrabnitsa. Eating meat is stopped after Lent, and milk, dairy products and fish - after Lent (Cheese Zagovezni).

On Easter, believers go to church to hear the festive liturgy and receive communion. This puts an end to Easter fasts.

See in the gallery above exactly how they should be held Lent according to the church canon.
