Purification Of The Body With Hunger

Purification Of The Body With Hunger
Purification Of The Body With Hunger

The main thing that fills our body with toxins and toxins is food. Without thinking about the consequences, we fill our stomachs every day with harmful products.

Since none of us is able to radically change our diet, the only way to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins is starvation.

You don't have to be bigotry, because nature doesn't tolerate extremes. It is enough to fast on a single day of the week or at least to undergo unloading days with the help of fruit or yogurt.

During this period, the body is released from active work on the digestion of food and then it has the opportunity to direct its energy to get rid of toxins.


When a person is hungry, the putrefactive microflora in his body dies and the normal one is gradually restored. The blood circulates faster, the nutrition of all organs of the body is normalized.

Slag in the body, in addition to the external environment, is formed by excessive accumulation of protein in the body, abuse of animal fats and starch.

Slag accumulates in the connective tissues, in the intercellular fluid and in the weakly working muscles, as well as in the bone tissue.

The mechanism of accumulation is very simple - too much energy invades the cell, which is not used. Thus, ordinary food turns into toxins.

When food stops entering the body, it feeds at the expense of internal reserves. The body's excretory system begins to work at high speed and over one hundred and fifty types of toxins are excreted from the lungs by respiration alone. That is why the starving have bad breath.

Fasting is also useful in some diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, allergies, diseases of the nervous system, skin diseases and obesity.
