How To Properly Freeze Birds

How To Properly Freeze Birds
How To Properly Freeze Birds

The way in which the products are frozen is essential for their long-term storage. Find out the best ways to store products in the freezer or chamber, what is the shelf life and how best to thaw birds.

Suitable for freezing are all types of poultry - chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys.

It is very important that before freezing the birds are cleaned from the inside and washed inside and out. It is then recommended that the meat stay in a cool place for 24 hours. Smaller birds are frozen whole and large ones are divided into portions for cooking.

Then it is necessary to pack the products in aluminum or polyethylene foil. The meat must be tightly wrapped so that there is no air.

In addition, the finished packaged packages must be glued. It is advisable to put labels with the type of meat, weight and date on which you put it in the freezer.

How to properly freeze birds
How to properly freeze birds

Hens weighing up to a kilogram and a half have a maximum shelf life of 7 to 8 months. It is best to thaw for 10-12 hours at room temperature. If you are going to roast the chicken, the thawing can only be partial.

Chickens up to 800 grams are also stored for seven to eight months, and thawing takes 7-10 hours at room temperature.

Ducks have a shorter shelf life. The maximum recommended time for the duck to stay in the freezer is up to four months. The duck is ready for cooking after 10-12 hours at room temperature.

The goose weighing 4 to 6 kg is cut into pieces with a maximum weight of 2.5 kg. After cleaning, washing and packaging, goose meat can be stored for up to 12 months. Thawing is again 10-12 hours.

The same goes for turkeys. The difference is that a usable turkey is only up to 6 months old.
