Culinary Textbook: Primary Processing Of Birds

Culinary Textbook: Primary Processing Of Birds
Culinary Textbook: Primary Processing Of Birds

Catering establishments receive slaughtered birds, the primary processing of which has been carried out in poultry slaughterhouses. Characteristic of cleaning the birds there is the maintenance of high hygiene during slaughter, scalding, plucking, gutting and sorting.

However, water cooling leads to a greater waste in the heat treatment of poultry meat, as it releases the cold water absorbed during its cooling.

In catering establishments, birds are obtained mainly in a chilled or deep-frozen state. Freshly slaughtered birds that have not been refrigerated for at least 24 hours shall not be placed on the market.

According to the Bulgarian State Standard, birds are subdivided into three qualities according to their fatness and appearance, and according to the degree of their primary processing - into gutted, semi-gutted and non-gutted.

The birds obtained from the poultry slaughterhouse must be thawed at a temperature of about 14-16 degrees, separated from each other. The time of thawing depends on their size.

The difference in the colds in the cold processing of the birds in the public catering establishments for the different qualities of the same type and preparation is insignificant - from 1 to 4%, and in the heat treatment it is even insignificant. Therefore, in heat treatment for different qualities it is averaged.

For convenience and proper accountability, cooks, after receiving the birds, separate the inedible waste and then the edible. From the warehouse of the restaurant the cook receives the birds cleaned and without by-products, after which he cuts them according to the established weight for the different types of dishes.

Offal (offal) is immediately processed into suitable dishes, as after thawing they spoil quickly.


Catering geese are mainly delivered to catering establishments, so goose breeds are equated to fattened goose trays.

For all birds slaughtered in the establishment, some (medium) flocks are given, as it is not possible to determine the quality of freshly slaughtered birds on site.

The slaughtered bird can be plucked without scalding while warm, or by scalding in warm water (65-70 degrees). At higher water temperatures, the feathers are plucked together with the skin. Such a bird is unsuitable for roasting, galantine and others.
