Important Rules In The Preparation Of Birds

Important Rules In The Preparation Of Birds
Important Rules In The Preparation Of Birds

In Bulgaria, the most commonly prepared meat dishes are pork and chicken. For pork has already been written not only how to prepare it for heat treatment, but also offered a number of interesting recipes, some of which are quite exotic. This is partly true for poultry, but there is little information on how to make the meat easier to cook, rather than how to diversify your menu with attractive poultry recipes.

That is why here we will give you some useful tips for preparing poultry meat, without delving into the topic of recipes, as there are countless in the information space:

- Before moving on to how the most delicious and easy to prepare poultry meat, it is important to say that it is widely used not only in the standard, but also in children's and dietary cuisine. The reason for this lies in the fact that in addition to being very tasty, it is also very easy to digest. The point is that nowadays it is difficult to find real poultry meat that is not stuffed with antibiotics or other additives that are harmful to our health;

- If you have the opportunity to cook poultry, it is good to know that for young chickens the season is from April to September and for older ones from September to May;

roasted turkey
roasted turkey

- When you want to prepare more complex and non-standard recipes and you have to look for poultry meat from geese, ducks, turkeys or chickens, you do not need to consider the seasons or months, because such birds can be slaughtered and be delicious. all year round;

- If you come across an old bird, which you will recognize by its meat, it is good to soak it for about 4-5 hours in a mixture of water and vinegar. Another option is to rub it well with lemon, but you still have to wait a while for the meat to soften;

- It is recommended to roast the drier birds such as ducks and turkeys, watering them regularly with oil in which you have put red pepper and aromatic spices. Another option is to wrap the birds with greasy slices of bacon, which during roasting will not only prevent the bird from drying out, but will also release its aroma;

- When you fill the bird and do not have a thread to tie its abdominal area, you can just stick it with toothpicks so that the stuffing does not leak.
