Does You Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar?

Does You Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar?
Does You Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a healthy tonic that lowers blood sugar and blood pressure. Today it is very popular as a drink for weight loss and weight loss.

What is apple cider vinegar made of?

First, the fruit is cut into small pieces and yeast is added to them, which turns the sugar in the apples into alcohol. A bacterium is then added, which ferments the alcohol into acetic acid. The whole process usually takes about 1 month.

One spoon apple cider vinegar contains about 3 calories and no carbs.

Where does the effect of weight loss with apple cider vinegar come from?

As already mentioned, there are studies that prove antiglycemic effect of apple cider vinegar. It lowers blood sugar thanks to acetic acid, which improves the ability of the liver and muscles to process glucose in our blood.

It also helps reduce insulin levels. Apple cider vinegar will improve your metabolism and melt the fat that has accumulated as a store in the abdomen and around the liver. Bad cholesterol levels will drop. And last but not least - apple cider vinegar drastically reduces the feeling of hunger and appetite for something sweet.

During the study, a group of 10 people were given a high-carbohydrate lunch. Then some of them took apple cider vinegar. Their blood sugar levels were down 55%. Also, by the end of the day, they ate between 200 and 300 fewer calories than the other patients because they felt fuller.

How much vinegar should we take to lose weight?

Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar

Effect of weight loss with apple cider vinegar there will be even if you take between 15 or 30 milliliters a day, which makes respectively 1 or 2 tablespoons. You can add a little olive oil and flavor your salads with the resulting dressing.

You can also ferment vegetables in vinegar. Some people mix it with water and drink it directly before meals. It is best to start with about 5 ml a day and if your body responds well, gradually increase the dose.

Other benefits of using apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon of unfiltered vinegar, which should be dissolved in a glass of water, will improve digestion. In addition to balancing the acidity in the stomach, it contains apple pectin, which relieves intestinal cramps.

Apple cider vinegar It can also be of great benefit to those suffering from arthritis, gout and other joint problems. Malic acid dissolves the crystals of uric acid, which is found in the joints and helps the body get rid of it. You can also take baths with apple cider vinegar and water to relieve pain.

Side effects of apple cider vinegar

Homemade apple cider vinegar
Homemade apple cider vinegar

Photo: Albena Assenova

Never take vinegar pure and directly, because it can burn your throat or part of your taste buds!

Excessive use of vinegar can damage tooth enamel and bones.

People suffering from gastritis and other stomach problems should not take such amounts of heartburn and should forget about the slimming effect of apple cider vinegar.

Lastly, remember that not every vinegar in the store is healthy. These benefits can only be obtained from unfiltered and organic apple cider vinegar. Most often you can find one from small producers, in organic stores and markets or you can prepare it yourself.
