Skipping Breakfast: The Worst Morning Mistake

Skipping Breakfast: The Worst Morning Mistake
Skipping Breakfast: The Worst Morning Mistake

If you want to maintain your line or lose a few pounds, you must avoid some harmful morning habits and mistakes that slow down your metabolism, such as not eating breakfast.

Metabolism is affected by many factors, the most important of which are age, weight and genetics. Of course, some of them cannot be influenced, but others are related to the decisions we make ourselves, our lifestyle and the morning mistakes we make, and they can drastically slow down or speed up our metabolism.

If you want to lose weight, just have breakfast. The worst thing you can do is skip breakfast. This will slow down the metabolism, because when we are hungry, the brain sends a signal to the body that it needs to "save" energy, and this will preserve the fat that we all want to get rid of.

Have breakfast an hour after getting up and keep in mind that a cup of coffee is not considered breakfast. It is more beneficial for the metabolism to drink a cup of tea and consume well-balanced foods rich in nutrients.

It would be good to drink more water, and a glass of cold water after breakfast will help the body "work" faster.

With morning exercise you can burn half the calories you will take in during the day. Morning jogging is much more beneficial than jogging the rest of the day and you will burn a much higher percentage of fat. In addition, you will be fresher and more efficient.

To avoid feeling hungry after a healthy breakfast, it is good to eat a pear or apple with cinnamon, apple chips, nuts or pumpkin seeds before lunch time. Or you can drink just a glass of cold water.
