You Make A Huge Mistake If You Peel The Apples

You Make A Huge Mistake If You Peel The Apples
You Make A Huge Mistake If You Peel The Apples

Many of the people peel the peel of the apples, which is big mistake. This action destroys exactly the vitamins we need.

Apple peel contains the full range of vitamins that our body needs. The same goes for the set of minerals and antioxidants, which is at its best in the composition of the apple.

Apple peels contain the strongest antioxidants, which has been proven by a group of American scientists. They found after analyzing the peels that the largest amount of phenols - phytochemicals that reduce cancer cells, were on the surface of the apple.

These chemicals attack cancers of the lungs, liver and rectum.

Scientists have found that if you eat one apple a day, we not only prevent cancer, but it also helps people with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Apple peel
Apple peel

Another study on the subject proves that the most effective antioxidants are contained in the peel of the apple, as well as apple seeds.

People suffering from gastrointestinal complaints were advised years ago by doctors to peel all the peels of all fruits. But over the years, there has been a refutation of this claim and now you have to do the exact opposite, because apple peels are very useful and not harmful to the digestive system.

Before eating, make sure you clean the apples well. If they are your production or their origin is verified, you do not have to worry. But if they are bought from the market, the peel of the fruit can be treated with an agent that will keep the apples for a longer time. To do this, you must thoroughly wash the fruit with a brush.

Another option is to soak the apples in warm water for a while to dissolve the paraffin film on the peel.
