Skipping Breakfast In Teens Leads To Diabetes

Skipping Breakfast In Teens Leads To Diabetes
Skipping Breakfast In Teens Leads To Diabetes

Eat your whole breakfast, share your lunch, and skip dinner. This is the oldest maxim about proper nutrition. And there is a lot of truth in it.

Healthy and good nutrition in the morning is of great importance for overall health. Skipping breakfast is associated with a number of problems such as obesity, diabetes and even easier flu.

Lack of or insufficient food in the morning harms teenagers the most. A new study conducted by Swedish scientists found that the damage from such eating habits manifests itself after 30 years.

People who did not eat a hearty and filling breakfast during their teenage years show more signs of metabolic syndrome 27 years later than those who ate a healthy and hearty breakfast.


The medical term metabolic syndrome literally means the dangerous combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. And these signs increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke many times over.

The study began in 1981. At that time, scientists from the University of Umeå, Sweden, established the eating habits of students from the northern city of Lulea and, most importantly, what and how to eat for breakfast. In 2008, 27 years later, the same people underwent a comprehensive health examination.


It was found that people who neglected breakfast or ate it in limited quantities were many times more at risk of metabolic syndrome as adults than those who ate a solid healthy breakfast.

Many people justify this harmful habit with a lack of appetite. However, this is due to your biological clock, which depends to some extent on your genes. 10% of people inherit genes that set their biological clock at a slower pace.

Therefore, usually when people wake up hard in the morning, they have no appetite. The solution is, if you have no appetite, not to force yourself to have breakfast at 7:00. Do it when you feel hungry - around 9: 00-10: 00, for example.
