Skipping Breakfast Leads To Obesity

Skipping Breakfast Leads To Obesity
Skipping Breakfast Leads To Obesity

Professor Ellen Camir has discovered that breakfast is the food that is most easily forgotten by people. If we do not have breakfast, however, we will feel tired and exhausted before noon.

At the beginning of the day, most people rush out without thinking about the body's nutritional needs.

A number of studies show that breakfast keeps us refreshed and concentrated, helps us lose weight by preventing us from overeating during the day. Thus protects against obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

An Australian study last year found that more than 40% of Australians aged 18 to 24 did not eat breakfast at least once a week.


According to the study, this means that every second woman in Australia misses the main meal at least once a week.

And 7% of respondents said they did not remember the last time they had breakfast. The study found that one in five women in the 18-24 age group is overweight.

According to Professor Claire Collins of the Australian Association of Nutritionists, it is completely wrong to think that skipping breakfast will help you lose weight.

Experts reveal that when we deprive ourselves of breakfast, we deprive ourselves of important nutrients and disrupt our metabolism.

Other previous studies have confirmed that people who skip breakfast gain more weight. In addition, such a diet has a negative effect on reactions and memory.

Breakfast Muesli
Breakfast Muesli

Many experts advise us to consume more carbohydrates and proteins for breakfast, which will give us the necessary energy and endurance for the day.

Among the most recommended snacks are:

- wholemeal bread with cheese;

- wholemeal slice and some fruit;

- hard boiled egg with wholemeal bread;

- scrambled eggs, slice and fruit;

- oatmeal with raisins;

Experts are adamant that large amounts of sugar should not be consumed for breakfast, because it can increase our appetite at lunch.

Research has shown that children who eat too many sweet things for breakfast are overweight.
