Fast Weight Loss With Up To 10 Rings

Fast Weight Loss With Up To 10 Rings
Fast Weight Loss With Up To 10 Rings

There is a diet that provides rapid weight loss up to 10 kg. This diet, calculated at 6 days, is known as fruit. During this period, you should consume 9 kg of fruit to your liking. Fluids should be guarded up to 500 ml per day, as the fruit will ferment in the intestines.

This diet is as follows:

Day 1 - 1 kg. fruits, Day 2 - 1.5 kg., Day 3 - 2 kg., Day 4 - 2 kg., Day 5 - 1.5 kg. and Day 6 - 1 kg.

To maintain the results of rapid weight loss from this diet, experts recommend that it be conducted once a year.

Fast weight loss with up to 10 rings
Fast weight loss with up to 10 rings

There is another diet that guarantees fast weight loss, and in addition to getting rid of extra pounds, it will cleanse the body of toxins. This is the watermelon diet. The watermelon season is not over yet, but you can book it now to try it out in the summer.

Feeding during the watermelon diet should be 5-6 times a day. You follow this regime, for example, for 5-7 days. The amount of watermelon you are allowed to eat is 1 kilogram per 10 kilograms of human weight. That is, if you weigh 80 pounds, you have the right to eat 8 pounds before the time you will be on the diet.

If you decide to follow the watermelon diet for more than 5-7 days, it is good to include in your menu 1-2 slices of rye bread a day.

The watermelon diet will get rid of accumulated slag, excess water and unwanted salts in the body. The effectiveness of this diet is quite high. In less than a week you will get rid of 3 to 5 kg, and if you continue with rye bread - you will reach 10.

Whatever diet you take, keep in mind that it is a good idea to consult your personal physician or nutritionist beforehand.
