Diet With Bread For Fast Weight Loss

Diet With Bread For Fast Weight Loss
Diet With Bread For Fast Weight Loss

There are several things that are categorically denied in any diet. Perhaps the ranking is led by alcohol and bread - very rarely can we find a diet where it is not explicitly stated that alcohol is not recommended and that it is good to avoid eating bread.

If it is allowed, it must be either rye or wholemeal, but not white. In this diet with bread, however, it does not matter what it will look like, and we should lose between 3 and 6 pounds in just five days.

During the regime it is very important to follow some rules - it is allowed to consume coffee, even with milk. Just be careful not to ingest more than 300 ml of milk a day. Water is not just recommended, but there are no restrictions - the more, the better.


Carbonated drinks, as well as alcohol are not consumed, and if you accidentally get hungry between meals, you can eat a green salad with mustard sauce or yogurt.

The diet is divided into three meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are several options for each meal - you can choose yours and combine. Here is what is recommended:

For breakfast, you can choose between:

- Eat a banana, sweeten with a spoonful of honey, add two slices of bread;


- Make fresh orange, add to breakfast and a glass of milk, an apple and two rusks;

- If you prefer the bread to be less, eat 150 ml of yogurt with a slice of bread and a boiled egg;

- a banana and an apple, and then a slice of bread, which you spread with a little margarine.

Here are the suggestions for your lunch menu:

- Boil 200 g of potatoes and add 100 g of cottage cheese to taste;

Weight loss
Weight loss

- If you prefer boiled potatoes (200 g), eat with a salad of cabbage and a little carrot;

- Another option is to add a little meat to lunch - ham or chicken, but not more than 50 g, to them and a garnish of 200 g of boiled potatoes;

- The last sentence again contains the same amount of potatoes, and add 2 tbsp. boiled beans.

For dinner, the suggestions are as follows:

- the first option includes two slices of bread and a salad with tomatoes and garlic, to which you can add either 100 shrimp or 50 g of chopped ham;

- The next option includes lettuce about 200 g with mustard sauce or yogurt, the same amount of fish - stewed or baked and 125 g of boiled potatoes. For dessert, eat a banana.
