Why Should We Cut Bread?

Why Should We Cut Bread?
Why Should We Cut Bread?

We have been taught that no one is greater than bread. While a few decades ago this was true in the literal sense, today more and more experts recommend reducing the consumption of bread. Although it is not good to completely eliminate it from our menu, we should eat less of it.

Pasta is very tasty and a favorite for most of us. But modern raw materials and production methods use many substances that make bread harmful. To make it durable, tastier and look good, bulk bread is full of leavening agents, preservatives, colors and flavor enhancers.

The problems start at the nipple. Modern grain growers grow varieties of wheat that give a richer harvest and get sick less. But these benefits are at the expense of nutritional qualities.

In most cases the bread is packaged, but this degrades its quality. If it is wrapped in nylon while it is hot, it leads to dampness and the appearance of mold.


Some nutritionists pay attention to lectins and phytates, which are found in grains and legumes. Bread contains both types of substances.

Lectins are proteins that serve as the natural protection of the grain. They poison the consumer by overeating. According to some nutritionists, eating a lot of bread can lead to more lectins, which can cause stomach irritation.

Phytates are said to inhibit or reduce the absorption of some important vitamins and trace elements such as vitamin B3, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.


Eating bread also has an immediate effect on blood sugar levels. Consumption of processed carbohydrates leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar. The body responds by increasing insulin, which causes it to fall. As a result, we become drowsy and need more carbohydrates to cheer up. In this way we turn in a vicious circle.

Most often the bread is prepared either entirely from wheat flour or contains it. However, it is rich in gluten, which has an adverse effect not only on people with gluten intolerance. Most people do not absorb gluten well, even if they are not allergic to it. The reaction can occur not only in the intestines, but also in the form of skin problems, muscle disorders, neurological and mental problems.


This does not mean avoiding bread and gluten-free products, but simply reducing their consumption. We should not give up carbohydrates, because eliminating them from our menu would be a big mistake.

The solution is to eat less bread at the expense of fruits and vegetables.
