Ingredients In Bread That Should Be Avoided

Ingredients In Bread That Should Be Avoided
Ingredients In Bread That Should Be Avoided

Everyone knows the saying that no one is bigger than bread. This is because bread has been a staple food on our table since time immemorial. There is nothing tastier than freshly baked bread. The aroma and taste are well known to all. It is known that the main ingredient for bread production is the flour. But what else is put in bread and are all supplements safe for our health?

Additives in bread that we know little about

Antioxidants are added to extend the shelf life of the bakery product, as they prevent it from spoiling.

Sweeteners improve the taste and adhesives create the required consistency. Bakers are added to make the bread soft and airy. Each component of these additives imparts qualities that make bread an attractive product, but also have many harmful effects.

Here which additives in bread should be avoidedbecause they are harmful to health.

Potassium bromate

Under this name lies a leavening agent in bread. The substance is colorless and odorless. It has a white crystalline structure and is a synthetic compound of bromic acid and lime.

Potassium bromate has been used less and less in bread lately, but labels should be monitored for its presence.


It is additive in bread to stick the flour with the other ingredients in the dough. This substance is powdery, may be red, yellow or orange. Its number is E 927. This substance is carcinogenic. In countries where it is banned, sulfur dioxide replaces it in bread.

different types of bread
different types of bread

Trans fats

In pasta, trans fats are widely used because they extend the shelf life. They are also resistant to oxidation. If their amount does not exceed the permissible is good, but at higher doses they increase cholesterol and lead to heart problems and increased inflammation in the body.


As sugar makes every baked product tastier, almost all breads have sugar. The yeast receives food and the bread increases in volume. However, too much sugar raises triglycerides and bad cholesterol, which has a bad effect on the heart. Overweight and hormonal imbalances are also due to excessive amounts of sugar in the diet.

Monoglycerides and diglycerides

These added substances are emulsifiers in bread. They improve the quality of the dough and form gluten. The dough is softer and more elastic with them, and because the air stays longer, the bread is soft and airy.

According to the results of studies on emulsifiers, they lead to coronary heart disease, so the consumption of bread for heart problems should be well specified.


Most of the required daily dose of salt is obtained with bread, and excessive consumption of bread means excessive consumption of salt. Salt causes a lot of harm and the most common is an increase in blood pressure, which affects many people in our country. Let's not forget that some people are more sensitive to sodium use.
