Never Eat These Foods With Eggs! Is Harmful

Never Eat These Foods With Eggs! Is Harmful
Never Eat These Foods With Eggs! Is Harmful

The eggs they are undoubtedly among the most useful foods that we can consume at any time of the day. They give us energy and a feeling of satiety.

Eggs are also listed as the perfect protein food, which is why experts rank them among the superfoods.

Here, however with what it is not good to combine eggs during their consumption.

Eggs and mayonnaise

Definitely a bad combination. In fact, it is not recommended combining eggs with no heavier sauces not only because you will not be able to take advantage of the valuable substances of eggs, but also because such a combination can lead to stomach discomfort and malaise.

Eggs and potatoes

A combination of potatoes and eggs
A combination of potatoes and eggs

Here again, we are talking about stomach discomfort and malaise, which are usually associated with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. This feeling will pass anyway, but the fact remains that at the combination of potatoes and eggs your body will automatically begin to neutralize the richness of calcium and iron contained in eggs.

Eggs and rice

Both rice and eggs are considered particularly useful foods. However, when you consume them together, you will not be able to fully absorb the vitamins that are abundant in rice.

Eggs and fish

A combination of fish and eggs
A combination of fish and eggs

If you want to eat breaded fish, don't think so much about it (let's leave aside the fact that fried and breaded foods are to be avoided)! But do not allow yourself to eat oily fish with boiled eggs, for example. The vitamins contained in eggs would be difficult to absorb.

Eggs and dairy products

If you were at least a little informed about the issues related to healthy eating, you would immediately guess that the experts remind us that protein-rich products should not be consumed together, which in this case refers to eggs and all dairy products.

Yes, there is nothing scary about "knocking" an egg on the Shopski cheese or on your favorite casserole. But it is good to avoid regular consumption of cheese and eggs. As well as cheese and milk, which is probably more restrictive.

Especially when you consider that the dough for most cakes and pastries, as well as for pancakes, is made from eggs and milk. It turns out that this is not a very good combination. Not that anything dangerous will happen, but your body will not be able to properly absorb vitamins and other valuable nutrients, contained in eggs.

See also when and how to eat eggs for maximum benefit. If you are looking for the perfect delicious recipe for lunch, take a look at our suggestions for healthy eggs.
