Nutritionists Never Touch These Foods

Nutritionists Never Touch These Foods
Nutritionists Never Touch These Foods

No matter how hard we try, each of us occasionally reaches for forbidden foods. This also applies to nutritionists, who constantly give recommendations for healthy eating. But even they never afford these foods:



One of the most popular nutritionists in the United States - Bonnie Taub-Dix, owner of the site betterthatdieting, said he would never afford to touch bacon. About 70% of its composition is fat, and each piece contains 200 mg of sodium. And no one is limited to just one piece.



Nutritionist Kerry Glassman categorically states that she would never reach for saltines. They do not contain protein, fiber or useful fats - practically nothing useful. On the contrary - saltines are full of harmful substances, which makes them forbidden for everyone who wants to eat healthily.

Coffee drinks

Coffee in small quantities does not interfere with a healthy diet. However, coffee drinks are full of sugar and artificial sweeteners, says Manuel Villacorta, author of several books on healthy eating. In some of these drinks, the sugar is even more than in two pitchers of cola. Apart from being unhealthy, it is also extremely high in calories.

Hot dog

You'll never see an NBC Today show nutritionist eat a hot dog. According to him, the sandwich is composed of only one thing - fat.

Skim milk sauces


Skim milk sauces and toppings are things that Eli Krieger, a TV star and famous book author, never allows herself. Yogurt or fresh cream are a much tastier and healthier option.

Diet drinks

Nutritionist Sharon Palmer, author of Plant-Powered for Life, says that one of the most harmful things is diet drinks. Although they do not contain sugar, their substitutes are at least several times more harmful than it. It would be much better to just drink water, freshly squeezed juices, tea, even coffee.
