Antioxidant Foods

Antioxidant Foods
Antioxidant Foods

Scientists have identified the root cause of aging. These are free radicals. Each of us is constantly exposed to their influence.

To reduce their impact, we can take action, such as good and adequate sleep, replace black tea with green tea, cook regularly with thyme, ginger, rosemary, garlic, paprika and turmeric, and also avoid contamination. of the environment.

Green tea
Green tea

The main means of combating the aging process is the intake of antioxidants. The main ones are vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, copper, iron, flavonoids, glutathione, carotenoids, coenzyme Q 10 and others.

Antioxidants help the human body get rid of free radicals, which are the cause of many diseases.

If you want to live longer and no one can guess how old you really are, then focus mainly on raw food, vegetarianism and consumption of the following foods. These are the best antioxidant foods:

Wild blueberries

Red beans, dried

Bob pinto

Black beans

Red cranberries

Cultivated blueberries


Boiled artichoke



Prunes, prunes

Green sour apples, Red apples

American walnut


Boiled red potatoes



Red peppers

Red grapes




Green tea

Foods with antioxidants
Foods with antioxidants

Brussels sprouts

Antioxidant enzymes protect the body from the formation of free radicals, such as selenium, copper, zinc, manganese. They are their natural "cleaners". With each passing day, the average content of antioxidants in our diet becomes insufficient.

That is why supplementing them is becoming a necessity, taking into account the polluted environment, stress, fatigue, alcohol and cigarettes, as well as many other factors.

In addition to taking appropriate and sufficient antioxidants to protect against external factors that contribute to aging, we must learn the basic elements of a healthy lifestyle, such as proper nutrition, physical activity, adequate rest and positive thinking.
