Blackberries - The Most Powerful Antioxidant

Blackberries - The Most Powerful Antioxidant
Blackberries - The Most Powerful Antioxidant

Blueberries are one of the most tempting fruits. Apart from their unique and refreshing taste, they also delight us with their many benefits.

The homeland of blueberries is America, where they are very popular. In our country they are found mostly in the mountains over 1000-1700 m. They grow in both coniferous and deciduous forests, as well as in the high mountain pastures of Rila, Pirin, Rhodope and Western Stara Planina. It often happens that black, blue and cranberry coexist in one place.

Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) top the ranking for antioxidant content among fruits, vegetables and spices. Blackberries and blueberries are very similar, but blackberries have a more saturated and dark color of the fruit and a darker color of the juice.

100 g of blueberries contain only 49 calories. On the other hand, they are loaded with antioxidants that make them a desirable food in any healthy diet. Antioxidants contribute to the strength of the collagen matrix by neutralizing the enzymes that destroy connective tissue.


In addition, the activity of vitamin A effectively neutralizes the action of free radicals. They also contain specific tannins and are rich in anthocyanins, flavoids and pigments, which give the fruit its saturated color, as well as fiber and vitamin C.

Consumption of cranberries helps the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels, vision, weakens brain activity and slows aging.

Experiments show that one glass of cranberry juice a day is enough to charge us with energy. In addition, it cleanses the stomach and intestines, helping them to work better.


Apart from the content of antioxidants, bilberry is also in the first place in terms of manganese content. Its antibacterial properties are used in inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys. It is also recommended for everyone whose activities are associated with great mental stress.
