How To Dry Plums?

How To Dry Plums?
How To Dry Plums?

Plums are useful both fresh and dried. Since plums are one of the products we can find on the market in the summer, we offer you an easy way to dry them.

This will allow you to eat the healthy fruit even on colder days. Let's not forget about the winter holidays, which lose their aroma and charm without oshava.

So, plums can be dried in the home oven. However, this requires a lot of patience, as it takes hours to process.

Arrange the well-washed plums in a pan. Place in the oven for 8 hours at a temperature no higher than 50-55 C. After the first 8 hours, the temperature rises to 60-65 degrees for another 8 hours.

After 16 hours of roasting, the plums are removed and left to stand overnight at room temperature. Then for another 8 hours they are again placed in the oven at 75-80 degrees.

If you don't like the fuss around the stove, you can also dry the plums in the sun.

How to dry plums?
How to dry plums?

The fruits are arranged on paper, placed in a sunny and clean room. It takes 8 to 10 days for the plums to dry completely.

There is a third combined option - 5 days in a sunny and ventilated place, then 10 hours in the oven at a temperature of 70-75 degrees.

For a more aesthetic appearance after drying, the plums are boiled in hot water (80-90 C) for one to three minutes. After drying, the finished dried fruits are stored in paper bags. Keep in a dry and ventilated place.

Keep in mind that from 10 kg of plums you get about 3 kg of prunes.

For the convenience of readers, this recipe for prunes can be found in the recipe book on the site. Other recipes with plums.
