What To Cook From Plums

What To Cook From Plums
What To Cook From Plums

If you have a large amount of plums, do not wonder what to do with them, but use them to create real culinary masterpieces. First of all, this is plum jam.

You need five hundred clean, pitted plums and skinned. In addition - four hundred grams of sugar, two hundred milliliters of water, a piece of ginger.

Pour water into a saucepan and pour the plums - it should lightly cover them. Boil them until soft. Add the sugar and ginger and cook for another forty minutes.

Remove the ginger, beat the plums with a blender, place on the stove until boiling and turn off. An amber-colored marmalade is obtained. For dark jam, boil the plums with the skin.

What to cook from plums
What to cook from plums

You can prepare a sauce for roast meat and vegetables. To do this, you need a kilogram of plums, fifty milliliters of water, two tablespoons of chopped dill, a crushed clove of garlic, a tablespoon of ground coriander seeds, a tablespoon of paprika, a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, a tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of salt.

Plums should be boiled with water until their skin is removed and softened. Rub them through a colander and let them boil. When bubbles appear, add all the other ingredients and cook for fifty minutes. You can pour the sauce into jars and pour a little oil on top. Store in the refrigerator.

You can make a hors d'oeuvre from pickled plums. For this you will need two liters of water, a teaspoon of sugar, three tablespoons of salt, one hundred milliliters of vinegar, one head of garlic, two onions, black peppercorns, plums.

Cut the plums in halves and clean the stones. Cut the onion into circles. In clean jars put a little onion, a little black pepper, two or three cloves of garlic.

Add the sliced plums. Boil the marinade from the water, sugar and salt and pour into the jars. After twenty minutes, pour the marinade back into the pan, bring to a boil, add the vinegar and boil again.

Pour into jars and cover with a blanket. After a few days, the chilled pickled plums are ready to eat.
